Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Ways to Get Fired

Sounds like a day to be senior staff around here...

"Senior staff can choose to be sacked by Kirwan as she pours thick Devonshire double cream over their head and then licks it off while whispering 'you're fired' in their ear.Or they can watch Kirwan fashion the words 'you're fired' from a healthy dollop of spring onion mash before drizzling it with a red wine gravy and then sucking it off a spoon."

And it's all for brand loyalty so the fired workers - no, they don't all get those kinds of compensations - to continue to spend their money at the company store...

full article

Paparazzi Photos
Halle Berry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn! It'd be worth getting hired just to get fired . . . heh.