Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Recently I stumbled over a forum where the someone - I think a male - asked if his fetish was 'sick'.

Why are people always so worried about the things that turn them on? Surely everyone has something, though some tastes are more vanilla than others.

I wonder if the worry stems from the opinions of others. People are judgmental about everything - not just sex. So many times people look at others around them and anything that is different gets held against conflicting standards.

How can we justify saying, "I'm not okay with someone fucking me in the ass, so it's wrong for everyone else" and similar statements? Isn't that a lot like the sentiments that started the crusades? "Gee, I'm not okay with your religion so you need to follow mine."

My wish is for everyone to tolerate others. At some point we become adults and make our own decisions. Some of them are visible, like tattoos or piercings, but most of them take a little getting to know the person. I like to know religious preferences of those in my house only as far as it matters for me serving them food. Sexual preferences are the same. Well, not that it changes food I serve. Just that each of us choose for ourselves, and as long as two -consenting- adults choose to participate, who are the rest of us to say anything at all?

I hope the guy figures out what he needs. Acceptance needs to come from within, but we ought to help each other find it if we can.

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