Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tortuous Writing

I found it, so I had to share... How not to write a sex scene.

I read them, though I found my eyes trying to divert themselves to each side of the screen, hoping for relief among the ads. The poster found no reason to comment, and I'm not sure I should, either, except... how did those scenes get published?

Some editor must have fallen asleep on those pages, I hope. Or is that the voice they wanted to portray?

I know several of you out there are saying, "I can do better." And you know what? You should, if only because you can.

Looking for how to do it right? Try this.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama reverses Bush abortion-funds policy

During his first week in office, Obama has been reversing a lot of Bush's policies, and this looks like another good choice. This action comes one day after the 36th anniversary of Roe vs Wade.

"Critics have long held that the rule unfairly discriminates against the world's poor by denying U.S. aid to groups that may be involved in abortion but also work on other aspects of reproductive health care and HIV/AIDS, leading to the closure of free and low-cost rural clinics."

Read article here.

I ought to promise to get off my family-planning soapbox and look for some other news. My original plan was to finish my novel within the next seven days. Hmm... that might get tricky, but priorities are there for a reason. Wish me luck.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Novel Progress

An outline is treacherous, but it takes a long time to figure out what needs to happen in advance. While it might be easier to write 'by the seat of your pants,' the outline gives a good map of what needs to happen. Unfortunately most of it has been in my head, and it can be easy to get confused between projects. Or if one project takes a long time and there are breaks, like this one.

I might yet finish by the end of the month. I'd like to. I have an idea where I might send it for publication. Have to think about rewrites, though. At least if I get it in shape this month, I have a chance to polish it by the end of the year.

Novels are such long projects. Short stories can be more fun, especially for more immediate gratification, but it's also harder to make a living that way.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Abstinence-Only Sex Education?

You have got to be kidding me. Last year our government spent $204 million for a "sex education" program that focused on "virginity pledges"? Apparently teens view these as non-binding, and are just as likely to have sex as those who don't take the pledge. I can think of a lot better uses for that kind of money.

Not that the government is the only one to blame. Focus on sex education ought to be with the parents, and other trusted people in the child's life. If church is your thing, then get help there. I don't think we ought to be trusting the schools with that, as well as everything else kids are supposed to learn.

About the education itself, why do people feel the need to shelter teens from information that helps them in the long run? I made it my own responsibility to learn all my options, but part of that was due to a lack of information. My parents weren't the type to talk about sex, except I think my mother bought me a book about the birds and the bees when I was four. She brought up birth control - for the first time - after I moved in with a member of the opposite sex. I still read up on the new options, because it's in my best interest. My body chemistry isn't the happiest about some of them, and I am a planner.

I've noticed the theme in TV shows and movies- quite a few show pregnant teens. While that isn't all that could happen to them, it's interesting to get Hollywood's take on it.

Before you think I'm just picking on teens, I think it's the responsibility of every adult to know what's going on, too. Far too many unplanned pregnancies happen in all levels of the community. I know nothing is 100% effective, but several of us - including me - are accidents. In my case, the method wasn't effective. Could have been for any number of reasons.

I know the world would be much different if everyone planned things. Even the decision 'to let it happen when it happens' is a plan. Have the conversation, make choices, do research - this is the only way the world will change.

Read more here.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Trendy Sex Not So Hot?

Excerpt: Even Candida Royalle, the pioneering erotic actress, director, author, and sex toy designer tells me she is amazed at how sex has been “gobbled up and spit out as just another trend.”

Sex is losing its trendiness. As an erotica writer, I do wonder what that will mean for future writings. Sex may only be good for selling sex, but it does sell. Ought to be interesting to see what they come up with next. Probably just means we get to write about different things, in different ways.

The upside is there seems to be more tolerance about consenting adults and the things they do together.

Link to the article.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Facebook Page...

I have one created for myself as a writer. Beginning stages, of course, but it's nice to be there. I linked the two stories you can find online that have been published.

Also had to edit access restrictions. I mean, there isn't anything on the facebook page that I'd mind a minor looking at, but the stories linked definitely aren't for young eyes. I've done that with this blog as well. I know it doesn't stop minors from finding what they really want to find, but they've been warned.

Some parents are better at diligence than others, but I do believe where there's a will, there's a way.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Ways to Get Fired

Sounds like a day to be senior staff around here...

"Senior staff can choose to be sacked by Kirwan as she pours thick Devonshire double cream over their head and then licks it off while whispering 'you're fired' in their ear.Or they can watch Kirwan fashion the words 'you're fired' from a healthy dollop of spring onion mash before drizzling it with a red wine gravy and then sucking it off a spoon."

And it's all for brand loyalty so the fired workers - no, they don't all get those kinds of compensations - to continue to spend their money at the company store...

full article

Paparazzi Photos
Halle Berry

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Recently I stumbled over a forum where the someone - I think a male - asked if his fetish was 'sick'.

Why are people always so worried about the things that turn them on? Surely everyone has something, though some tastes are more vanilla than others.

I wonder if the worry stems from the opinions of others. People are judgmental about everything - not just sex. So many times people look at others around them and anything that is different gets held against conflicting standards.

How can we justify saying, "I'm not okay with someone fucking me in the ass, so it's wrong for everyone else" and similar statements? Isn't that a lot like the sentiments that started the crusades? "Gee, I'm not okay with your religion so you need to follow mine."

My wish is for everyone to tolerate others. At some point we become adults and make our own decisions. Some of them are visible, like tattoos or piercings, but most of them take a little getting to know the person. I like to know religious preferences of those in my house only as far as it matters for me serving them food. Sexual preferences are the same. Well, not that it changes food I serve. Just that each of us choose for ourselves, and as long as two -consenting- adults choose to participate, who are the rest of us to say anything at all?

I hope the guy figures out what he needs. Acceptance needs to come from within, but we ought to help each other find it if we can.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Health Benefits of Sex!

Who could resist a list like this?

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

1. Sex Relieves Stress
2. Sex Boosts Immunity
Close Window
3. Sex Burns Calories
4. Sex Improves Cardiovascular Health

5. Sex Boosts Self-Esteem

6. Sex Improves Intimacy
7. Sex Reduces Pain
8. Sex Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk

9. Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles

10. Sex Helps You Sleep Better

It might not make everything better, but it sounds like a great way to start off the new year! With a list like that, why aren't we all grabbing our better halves? I love how much they can back up with medical studies. Though what man admits he ejaculates between 4-7 times in a month, versus the other group at 21 or more, I just don't know.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


1. I will post to this blog 3 times a week. (It doesn't seem like much, but starting the habit is the first step.)

2. I will submit a short story to a magazine at least once a month.

3. I will finish my languishing novel and submit it . I will also find at least two other possibilities by that point.

4. I will prep and write a new novel. (Idea's been brewing for about six weeks so far and I've begun the prep work.)

5. I will not be afraid to revisit these goals as needed depending on stress levels and life distractions.