Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Reviewing the Year

I guess it's just something we all do at this time of year. Look at the previous year and look ahead to the next one. We make goals and decide how to change our lives for the better.

Looking back, I've published three short stories. I've racked up a few rejections as well, which is good for any writer and her ego. Two rewrite requests also figured into that, and we'll see where they lead me. One resubmitted, the other is still brewing to figure out what's needed.

I made progress on the novel; I made it mostly through a rewrite and nearly finished. That seems an odd way to put it, but after finishing NaNoWriMo in 2007, I left the book at its 50,000 words for six months without touching it. I put all the little snippets in order, then began to rewrite as I went along and smoothed the pieces to make a whole. I finished 16 chapters, with another 3 at the end and a gap in between where I know what I need to say, just haven't done it yet.

I even found somewhere to publish it, but I need to finish it first. A possibility, anyway, which is better than I had before. Perhaps it was a productive year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's definitely been a productive year! Everything comes in its own time, and everything happens for a reason. Good luck with the rewrite, and everything else you have going on!