Thursday, February 2, 2012

Abortion and the News

The Susan G. Komen Foundation has pulled the plug on funding for Planned Parenthood. Somehow, this makes me irate when they mention comments about the pro-life politics getting in the way of breast health. I was a bit gratified to see that I'm not the only one - according to the Washington Post Planned Parenthood received 6000 donations in the first 24 hours (as opposed to the normal 100 to 200 donations per day) and has nearly covered the funds that the Komen foundation would have provided.

Planned Parenthood is a great organization. It's not just about abortion. They're about sexual and reproductive health across the spectrum - and especially for those who might not otherwise afford it.

And yet, so many people boycott Planned Parenthood because they also offer abortions. Maybe they're just the vocal ones who want to stand on their little soapboxes and say that every life is precious and it begins at conception?

I just have such a problem with that. Planned Parenthood states in their mission that they'd rather prevent unwanted pregnancy than abort it. My problem with the pro-life movement runs a bit deeper, though. If I can set it in my mind that abortion is the right option for me, who are you to say I can't do it? It should be between me, my religious ideals (if any), and my conscience.

Don't give me crap about saying that it ought to only be in certain cases, like rape, incest, and cases that endanger the mother's health. Suddenly we're going to open up all kinds of legal issues trying to demarcate what constitutes rape or significantly endangering the mother's health in order to allow an abortion or not.

We call ourselves free. We make decisions every day about what we want to do. We choose how to shape our own futures with every step we take.

I know several of my friends would choose against abortion - not just for their families but everyone. Some have even picketed against Planned Parenthood. (Shudder.)

Many years ago, on my way home from work, I saw such a demonstration on one of the main streets in the city where I lived. There were posters so large that each took two people to hold on the sides of the road where the speed limit was 45 mph. It was awful and I was surprised there were no accidents that evening, but it didn't change how I felt about abortion. I'd like to think if I were a doctor I'd work for a place like Planned Parenthood and help them with that task.

It's not that I enjoy prematurely taking life, but it's an important thing to do. We need professionals who will stand up and perform the duty and have it be routine enough that it isn't riskier than it has to be.

Humans are wired for the need to procreate - the need to have sex. Prevention should be the first priority, but it might also be good that we stay out of other people's business. How many of us look askance at people like Octomom? At teen mothers? Yet several also shun abortion. We only have so many choices. Make yours count - and keep them to yourself. My business is just that - mine.

I promise to follow my conscience if you do the same.

Note: if Planned Parenthood's numbers are correct, I'm sure we all know someone who's had an abortion. But nobody talks about it. Seems worse than miscarriage that way. It's an incredibly personal decision and it has far-reaching consequences. I'd love to interview someone for a story, but the story will come out either way. Email me if you're willing to share.

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