Tuesday, June 23, 2009


See Dehanna Bailee's POD Database here.

The possibilities are endless for self-publishing. I was idly wondering what it would take to make a series of my short stories into a book. My husband asked who would buy it, but I'm not as worried about who. If I publish it, there will be someone who wants it. Enough someones to justify the investment of some of those presses? Probably not.

Some have very minimal requirements for what's necessary. Others have extensive lists of items that must be met before they will handle the business. It isn't necessarily about the content of the book, though a few are picky about that, too.

I also think sometimes about self-publishing the book I'm working on, but I still haven't decided. There might be a good mainstream market for it, and I'd like to pursue that avenue first.

I probably shouldn't worry about it until I have enough short stories for a book. I'd just like to reprint the ones I've published in a volume, especially for those who don't have access to the sites where my work is visible. There are only four so far...

1 comment:

Sarah Kiko said...

Four is two more than me! :-P