Friday, May 17, 2013

In Search of an Artist

It's not easy to go in search of someone to make pictures of your words. I can search for what I want, but somehow I just get an idea in my head and it doesn't always happen to be among the stock images.

I'm never sure if I can afford an artist, but I am on the lookout for places to see who is out there. Who wants to do erotic images (or at least, images for erotica ebook covers)? Those two do not have to be the same thing.

When I look at ebooks, there are a lot of covers that show skin or some barely-there outfit that will (hopefully) interest the reader. Sometimes the cover does not match with my read of the book. I don't find it easy to translate my words into something to match the front.

I suppose I'm lucky I have a good editor to work with already.

So this week is dedicated to finding the requirements for any place where I might publish an ebook, looking for the spots where the artists are congregating, and possibly looking at stock images to see if I can get ideas for the words I've already written.

Plus, I'm going to send the first one to the aforementioned editor and put the finishing touches on it so I'll be ready to go when I get that artist. Oh, the exciting life of a writer!

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