Monday, May 17, 2010

Favorite Erotic Words

A friend asked me what my five favorite erotic words were, and I don't have a clue. Is this something writers can rattle off the top of their heads? Should we be able to spout off favorite words?

Wouldn't that mean we're using those words far too often by reason of word density or whatever?

While there are only so many body parts that can be used to write erotica, there are names aplenty for all of them. Just note the 'throbbing member' ridiculed by so many.

Okay, I can't say I've actually written anything and used the term 'throbbing member' but sometimes it just seems like there ought to be a way to use it without giggling horribly at the purple prose.

I think one of mine is pussy. Yes, I know some would argue that belongs in pornography and not erotica. I don't really care. It isn't about shock value for an explicit word. It's just a good way to counteract my erotica pet peeve of referring to the woman's genitalia as her 'sex'. Really? Sex? That's the best you can do? Can you find a less descriptive word out there for it?

I've struggled through several books that used 'sex' as the only word for pussy. It's repetitive, boring, and I cringe every time. It may sound odd, but I'd rather see 'cunt' in print. Next to that, pussy looks pretty good, huh?

And get your minds out of the gutter. I'm talking about the words! Link to find more words here.

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