Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I should apologize for not posting for a week or so. Everything's been quite busy - and I finished the novel.

It took a year and a half to complete, since I started writing it 1 November 2007 and finished 2 March 2009. I had the idea from mid-January 2007 with a short story that needs to be updated if it's really going to take place ten years after this novel. There is more about my main character's life and I could do sequels if I wanted. We'll just see how the first one goes.

Entwined has been the working title, and I still like it. It has 26 chapters and totals 84,611 words, fitting well within the 'adult novel' length. I know some of that will change with the next draft, since I need to restructure the beginning and I might need to add a little where I finished.

Now I get to make plans and start the next phase for this project. I was (okay, I still am a little) in shock that I really finished it, and I should just let it sit for a bit to get the right amount of distance to really dig in again and get it ready for publication.

Then I also need to decide where and how I want it published. Joy!

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